Design and Implementation of Smart Invoice Ordering and Invoicing System for Avanf Printing Center
The system is designed and implemented at the request of the esteemed management of the Avang set from zero to 100 with the Php programming language.
No physical restrictions and web based
Including of Admin and users Levels
Ability to define administrator at different levels of access
Ability to introduce customers in both normal and cooperative states
Ability to register partial and bulk order with different tariffs
Ability to create or edit new products
Ability to send requests by different methods (post, courier, special, freight)
Define and limit the number of posts with different tariffs
Create and charge the wallet
Payment via bank or wallet
Group and proprietary discount code definition
Ability to record notifications and display them in users panel with different colors
level approval by management after registration
No user access to order registration until profiles are completed
Ability to send SMS from the admin panel
Set how SMS notification can be enabled or disabled
Set and inform the order completion steps
Upload Orders in Common and Allowed Formats (Your Favorite)
Automatic calculation and issuance of smart invoice
Monthly charging of each user panel according to their monthly purchase (incentive plan)